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Junior Cycle

Junior Cycle

This page has been designed to give ideas to teachers on how to link the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark project region with the Irish curriculum.


We have also developed some resources which can be viewed in our dedicated resource section, so please check them out!

Using the JCWL geopark project region as a case study for the Geography Junior Cycle curriculum

Below are suggestions and ideas for teachers on how the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark region as a whole, or specific sites within it, can be used as a case study/ as case studies to teach specific learning outcomes from the Junior Cycle specification. We are primarily focussing on the Geography specification, but hope to expand this to other subjects soon.

This can either be done in the classroom, or by going on a fieldtrip to visit these places. We want to encourage using the geopark region as an outdoor classroom, as a case study area, and for the people living within it to realise what a special area it is and be proud of where they live.

We hope to design resources in conjunction with teachers, so if you are interested in working with us, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from and working with you.

Please note, the curriculum information is correct as of April 2020. Only the learning outcomes that apply to the geopark project are mentioned here.

1.2 Distinguish between different categories of rock type, referring to composition and formation

1.2 Use samples of rocks around geopark area to distinguish between the different categories of rock. Intro to the geological history of the area and how the rocks formed and relationships between them.

1.3 Analyse the processes and effects of weathering and mass movement on our landscape

1.3 Case study around Lough Nafooey area. Lots of recorded landslides in area (can see these on Geological Survey Ireland’s Landslide Events map viewer). Go in to why that area is susceptible to mass movement and what the types of mass movement are etc.

1.5 Explain how the processes of erosion, deposition and transportation shape our fluvial, marine, and glacial landscapes

1.5 Geopark area as a case study for how these processes shaped the landscape. Intro to the geological history of the area and how the relationships between what you find in geopark area

1.7 Investigate the formation and behaviour of a significant weather event

1.7 Use examples around geopark area as case studies e.g. behaviour (flooding) of an area in geopark in response to a significant weather event (storm e.g. the storms of Autumn 2019/ early 2020)

1.10 Investigate a range of physical processes active in a chosen location and the connections between them

1.10 Geopark area as a case study for physical processes occurring within it and the connections between them – either the geopark as a whole (include all of the physical processes that happen within it) or specific sites (e.g. a specific river within the geoparks).

2.3 Identify how the physical landscape influences the development of primary activities

2.3 Geopark area as a case study for how the physical landscape of the geopark influences the development of primary activities e.g. mountains -> guiding; lakes -> fishing; unique geology -> services e.g. accommodation

2.9 Assess the interrelationships between the physical world, tourism and transport

2.9 Geopark area as a case study for the interrelationships between physical world, tourism and transport. This learning outcome essentially relates to what a Geopark is.

Suggestions/ ideas

Focus your CBA on anything that has happened in the news within the geopark region e.g. the Joyce Country and Western Lakes geopark project becoming established, videos on the news of some of the businesses (e.g. Joyce Country Wool), the June 2021 virtual conference and focussing on Learning Outcome 2.9.

Suggestions/ ideas

Focus your CBA on a certain area within the geopark project e.g. collect measurements from nearby rivers, glacial features. Possibilities to link CBA 2: My Geography with Learning Outcomes 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7 and 1.10. It is a good opportunity to gather measurements and data from field trips, display the data (e.g. bar charts, rose diagrams) and interpret them as part of the CBA.

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This page is still a work in progress, so please bear with us! If you have any suggestions, we’d love to hear them.

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