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Conglomerate (gravelstone) outcrop on the side of the road with fantastic views of a landscape of folded and fractured rocks

The area around Aill Dubh is made up of sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones and conglomerates, that also formed when the ancient ocean was closing 480 million years ago. There is a superb outcrop of these sandstones and conglomerates along the road around Aill Dubh, where you can also see red granite cobbles within the otherwise grey rock colour. There are also layers of volcanic ash that stand out as dark cliffs on the mountain slope.

Unser Verhaltenskodex

Whilst exploring our geosites, remember to follow these simple principles to help keep our beautiful landscape spotless and to preserve it for generations (those living here and those visiting here) to come.

  • Ask landowner permission before walking on their land as most of the region, including the uplands are in private ownership.
  • Leave No Trace by following the 7 principles highlighted to the right
  • Do not hammer or remove rocks without permission
  • Follow our Fossil Code

More information on our code of conduct is available here.