Various locations in the Geopark region
13th to 21st of August
JCWL Heritage Network
Seachtain Oidhreachta Naisiúnta / National Heritage Week 2022
The first is a place name recording event for the communities of the Nafooey valley taking place in the Larches pub on Sunday the 14th of August from 3 to 5pm. We will be welcoming locals to take the time to record digitally any place names of features in the valley not yet recorded on any map. This outstanding valley host 2 of our main geosites at Finny and Aill Dubh. More info here: https://www.heritageweek.ie/event-listings/taifead%C3%A1n-logainmneacha-ghleann-na-fuaiche-recording-the-place-names-of-glen-nafooey
The second is a repeat of last year’s event called “Ask your Geologist” taking place on the car park of the project office in Tourmakeady (beside the playground) on Wednesday the 17th from 2 to 4pm. Our geologist will be there to answer all your question and display our collection of local rocks and fossils. And there will be a fossil hunt as well. More info here: https://www.heritageweek.ie/event-listings/ask-your-geologist-tourmakeady-south-mayo
The third is short walk exploring the Karst landscape around Cong starting from the Cong main car park on the eastern entrance to the town on Sunday the 21st from 2 to 4pm. This event directly follows the Cong Abbey Conference taking place over the weekend at the Crossroads community centre and exploring the history of the abbey. More info here: https://www.heritageweek.ie/event-listings/limestone-karst-and-water-cong-in-its-landscape

Other events/projects organised in the region:
- Cong:
19-21 August; Cong Abbey conference
- Partry (+The Neale and Ballinrobe):
13 August, 9am-1pm; Vernacular heritage trail with JCWL GeoEnterprise
- Kylemore Abbey:
- 13, 18, 20 August; Nature and Conservation Walks and Action
- 13-21 August, 3-3.15pm; Online Mini heritage talks
- 14-21 August, 1-1.45pm; In-person Historical talks
- Maam:
21 August, 2-4pm; Maam valley Bog walk & talk with Carole Reynolds
- Oughterard:
13-19 August, 11am-5pm (except for 13 August from 8-10pm); Bronze Age Oughterard
- Headford:
19 August, 8.30-10pm; “The Corrib Boats”
21 August, 11.30am-1:30pm; The Lacemakers’ Shoes Walking Tour
- Lough Carra:
14 August, 2-3.30pm & 4-5.30pm; Aquatic Life of Lough Carra at Brownstown
- Clogher/Carnacon:
16 August, 7-9pm; Guided tour of the Clogher Bog Loop Walks
- Galway City:
16-20 August, 12-1pm; Talk & Trail: Local History, Legends and Folktales of the Corrib