



冰雕山脉和湖泊,自行车道和小径,世界杯鳟鱼飞钓比赛,城堡和废墟,美丽的村庄,奇妙的饮食与文化 - 除了这些还有更多。探索我们的隐藏美景!

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about Joyce Country & Western Lakes Geopark mission
Killary 峡湾 - 爱尔兰唯一的峡湾
Clonbur 石灰岩路面

最初是一个为期两年(2020 至 2021 年)的项目,其主要目标是落实相应的资源和结构,以获得联合国教科文组织世界地质公园的地位。地质公园是具有国际意义的地质学场所,以保护、教育和经济发展的整体概念进行管理。地质公园为当地人和游客打开了一扇了解古代和现代以及古今之间的遗产和文化的窗口。

借助主要由农村和社区发展部的农村复兴和发展基金(爱尔兰 2040 项目的一部分)提供的资金,也由于多机构的合作,以及 10 年坚持不懈的志愿者工作,乔伊斯国家和西部湖泊(Joyce Country and Western Lakes)这个令人向往的的地质公园项目于2020年1月开始启动。由爱尔兰地质调查局牵头的耗资 119 万欧元的项目最近雇用了 3 名全职员工。Michael Hegarty(地质公园经理)、Benjamin Thébaudeau 博士(地质公园地质学家)和 Dominic O'Móráin(旅游管理员,由 Údarás na Gealtachta 资助)常驻图尔马克萨迪县梅奥。项目经理 Siobhán Power 博士和 Amrine Dubois Gafar(项目地质学家)在都柏林的爱尔兰地质调查局工作。

莫赫悬崖和伯伦(Cliffs of Moher & Burren)- 爱尔兰三大地质公园之一
We hope to be the fifth…

There are currently four UNESCO Global Geoparks on the island of Ireland: Copper Coast in County Waterford; Burren & Cliffs of Moher, County Clare; Cuilcagh Lakelands in County Fermanagh and County Cavan; and Mourne Gullion Strangford in County Down and County Armagh. We are optimistic Joyce County & Western Lakes aspiring geopark can achieve UNESCO status in the next few years if the work progresses as anticipated.



front cover masterplan EN
Management Master Plan 2022-2028

The geopark team has developed a Management Master Plan for 2022 to 2028 in collaboration with all its partners and stakeholders and following consultation with the local communities of the region. The plan describes the geopark and its governance, its budget and staff, its vision, the various partners and stakeholders, a SWOT analysis and a list of actions planned for its future. This great tool clarifies the operations of the geopark and the strategy for its development. It is aligned with the UN SDGs in particular Goal 17 which deals with strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. The plan was officially launched in February 2023. The plan is available to download 在此.


为企业带来新的旅游机会将是地质公园项目的主要成果之一,从而为当地带来更多就业和收入机会。这一点的基础是该地区具有国际意义的悠久地质历史,还有我们的景观的塑造方式、人们的生活方式以及我们空前可以推广和享受的丰富遗产。为了帮助引导这种旅游势头,该项目在一位经验丰富的协调人的专家意见下为该地区制定了一项新的旅游发展战略。这是一份简短的文件,它描述了愿景,包括 SWOT(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)以及与新冠肺炎共存和战胜新冠肺炎的展望。一个非常重要的部分是地质公园章程——一套指导我们与企业、社区等合作的原则,要求所有各方在地质公园的发展中签署并坚持这些原则。最后提出了六项战略目标和关键行动。

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This United Nations’ Agenda is a plan for action for people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. The geopark development strategy, as laid out in our management master plan, is well aligned and coherent with the SDGs, particularly the following:

  • Goal 4; Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,
    • through our education programme
  • Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all,
    • through our tourism strategy and our business network
  • Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable,
    • through our community network
  • Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,
    • through our business network
  • Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,
    • through our education programme, community and business networks and partnership with statutory agencies
  • Goal15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss,
    • through our education programme, community and business networks and partnership with statutory agencies
  • Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development.
    • through our education programme, community and business networks and partnership with statutory agencies

在整个项目过程中,这个令人向往的地质公园将举办或与与其他机构联合举办各种盛事和活动——详细信息将发布在乔伊斯国家和西部湖泊(Joyce Country & Western Lakes)地质公园网站上,供希望参与此过程的人参考。目前正在提供相关信息,在相应景点设置标牌和面板,并提供商业和网络发展方面的培训。而且正在制定针对所有层次的一项教育计划。

十二峰和因纳河谷(Inagh Valley)

What lies beneath our feet? What’s that in your line of sight? What’s happening in our villages? To find out, take a trip – real or virtual – through these fascinating yet lesser known parts of north Connemara and south west Mayo. Here, ancient history and modern living combine, with exquisite insights into how this savage beauty was carved out, how modern life evolved.

The Geopark Project will start you on a journey, unlocking the past, overlaying it on the present and revealing its secrets. Initially a two-year project (2020-2021), its key aim is to put in place the resources and structures to achieve UNESCO Global Geopark status. Geoparks are places of internationally significant geology, managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and economic development. They open a window on heritage and culture – ancient and current and everything in between – for locals and visitors alike.

Thanks to funding, primarily by the Rural Regeneration and Development Fundin the Department of Rural & Community Development (part of Project Ireland 2040), also from a multi-agency partnership, and 10 years of committed volunteer work, the Joyce Country and Western Lakes aspiring geopark project got underway in January 2020. The €1.19 million project, led by Geological Survey Ireland, recently employed 3 full-time staff. Michael Hegarty (Geopark Manager), Dr Benjamin Thébaudeau (Geopark Geologist) and Dominic O’Móráin (Tourism Officer, funded by Údarás na Gealtachta) are based in Tourmakeady County Mayo. The Project Manager Dr Siobhán Power and Amrine Dubois Gafar (Project Geologist) are based in Geological Survey Ireland in Dublin.



There are currently three UNESCO Global Geoparks on the island of Ireland: Copper Coast in County Waterford; Burren & Cliffs of Moher, County Clare; and Marble Arch Caves in County Fermanagh and County Cavan. We are optimistic Joyce County & Western Lakes aspiring geopark can achieve UNESCO status in the next few years if the work progresses as anticipated.


Throughout the project there will be events and activities run by or in conjunction with the aspiring geopark – details will be posted on the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark website for those who want to be a part of this process. Information, signage and panels at sites of interest, and training in business and networks development are being provided. An education programme for all levels is also being developed.