JCWL region
Dec 2023
JCWL staff and partners
We have just sent our subscribers our latest newsletter talking about our ongoing UNESCO assessment process and the main work planned around that for the next year, report on the two ongoing partnership projects with other geoparks (Shared Island with the Mourne Gullion Strangford Geopark and Erasmus + with Geopark Sunnhordland and two others in Europe), our introduction into the Discover Ireland listing and website and work with local media and tourism networks, the good news of the installation of the panels for the Mám Éan geotrail and its upcoming launch in January, and the Geopark’s traditional Christmas wishes. And as always a short list of various funding schemes for communities and businesses.
Click here for the english version
Cliceáil anseo don leagan Gaeilge
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