Tá Coill an Bhaile (Béarla: Killawalla / Killavally) suite i gCo. Mhaigh Eo, 10 gciliméadar ó Chathair na Mart ar bhóthar an R330 go dtí Baile an Róba. Deirtear gur thaisteal Naomh Pádraig tríd an mbaile ar a bhealach go dtí Cruach Phádraig agus baisteadh teach phobail an bhaile in ómós dó. Tá bunscoil, oifig an phoist agus pub sa bhaile beag. Tá Coill an Bhaile laistigh de pharóiste Cheathrú na gCon agus Bhaile an Tobair. Léirigh taighde a rinne Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, gurb é seo an baile a chaill an daonra is mó d’aon sráidbhaile in Éirinn le linn an Ghorta Mhóir. Idir 1841 agus 1851, chaill Coill an Bhaile dhá thrian dá dhaonra. Killawalla is also home to Pollatoomary cave, the deepest explored underwater cave in Britain and Ireland. The cave was explored to a depth of 103 m by Artur Kozłowski on 5–6 June 2008. The entrance to the cave is located in the townland of Bellaburke on private land and is formed by the resurgence of the Aille river who sinks underground at the Aille cave 3km to west. The parish of Killawalla is also home to one of the early Telephone Pioneers of America, Thomas Larkin, who emigrated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA at the end of the 19th century and came back to Killawalla in the 1930s where he died and was laid to rest in the cemetary. Further information on this story anseo. Tuilleadh eolais: http://killawallaonline.com/ ÁBHAR SUIME
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